My second podcast went out this weekend.
There is one section when I am talking about my own answer to “How do you stay current?” and I agonized back and forth a bit as to whether to leave it all in. The point was that I’m busy just like everyone else is busy, I still make time for everything that I do to stay current. I hope that it doesn’t come off as bragging or humble bragging or that I’m just a gigantic jerk. I wanted to really bring home the point that I go on to quote in the show that I once heard Leon Gersing make at the M3 conference that, “If you say you don’t have time for something, you don’t”.
I heard him say that at the lunchtime keynote and it really hit me about how much I had been slacking at that point. So, I cut out some useless TV and I was able to do everything else in my life and still spend several hours a week honing my craft.
As I said, I’m hoping that it comes off more as a way to shift priorities around to create a plan rather than “Hey, look at me, I’m perfect”.
That all being said, I’m off to CodeMash this week for my yearly dose of inspiration and to remind myself just how many smart people are out there and how much I don’t know!
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Thanks to all the people who listen, and a special thanks to those who have rated me. I really appreciate it.
The episodes have been archived. Click Here to see the archive page.
Liked your comment about why you want to go to a conference – “yearly dose of inspiration and to remind myself just how many smart people are out there and how much I don’t know!”
Would serve as a perfect answer to someone asking the question 🙂
Thanks Pete !