
Pete Shearer - PeteOnSoftwareMy name is Pete Shearer. I have been a professional software developer with experience dating back to 1998. I started working with VBA, then VB6 – earning my MCSD, on to classic ASP with VBScript, and now C# and the .Net ecosystem. I mostly use Sql Server for back end development (though this blog is hosted using MySql – hey, I’m practical).

I’ve worked for banks, hospitals, consulting companies, a small software development company, health care services companies, an enterprise mobile services company, and now for myself.

Technologies that I’m working with professionally currently include .NET, C#, Git, React.js, JavaScript, Sql Server, Flutter, as well as HTML and CSS (naturally – I am not a drag-and-drop developer). I’m also doing contracting work, including a fledgling security practice.

Yes, my blog title is a blatant ripoff of Joel on Software, but I consider it more of an homage!

You can reach me at peter [dot] shearer [at] gmail [dot] com.

I am married, have 3 kids, and live in Ohio. GO BUCKS!!!