Author: Pete


Podcast Episode 34 – Conflicting Patterns, It Depends, and YAGNI

ConflictEpisode 34 is a little shorter than my normal solo podcasts, but it is a topic that I have been thinking about for awhile and I just wanted to get it off of my chest. Design Patterns aren’t like Duct Tape – the more you use, the better it is. In fact, they actually won’t all work together if you go in 100% on them. Today, I talk about 2 of those examples and then talk about how you should go about discovering good software design.

Links Mentioned in this Show:
Stack Overflow Question on how to write a library, giving possibilities across the DRY/Coupled spectrum
InfoQ – DRY Code and Coupling
TopTal Videos, the pick of the week

You can also subscribe to the podcast at any of these places:
iTunes Link RSS Feed

Thanks to all the people who listen, and a special thanks to those who have rated me. I really appreciate it.

The episodes have been archived. Click Here to see the archive page.


Podcast Episode 33 – Rob Eisenberg on Aurelia.js

Rob EisenbergLast Monday, Rob Eisenberg released Aurelia.js. This was a culmination of sorts of a whirlwind of activity that was kicked off when Rob left the Angular 2.0 team at Google. A lot of people wondered what he was up to (including me!), so I asked him to be on the show to talk about what’s been going on. We talk about SPAs, why he left Google, what’s special about Aurelia, how to handle learning all of these frameworks, and much more.

Links Mentioned in this Show:
Rob’s Leaving Angular Post
Rob’s Twitter
Rob’s Blog
Aurelia vs Angular Round One

You can also subscribe to the podcast at any of these places:
iTunes Link RSS Feed

Thanks to all the people who listen, and a special thanks to those who have rated me. I really appreciate it.

The episodes have been archived. Click Here to see the archive page.


Skeet “Shooting”

Last year, at CodeMash v2.0.1.4, I really wanted to get a photo with Jon Skeet. Most people who know StackOverflow know that Jon Skeet has the highest reputation on the site by far. On top of that, he is an accomplished author, blogger, speaker, and all around nerd hero.

Jon has been to CodeMash for several years and I could never get up the nerve to interrupt him and ask for a picture. Finally, at last year’s event, I did it. My friend Russell and I got a picture with him… or so I thought. While I was able to take a picture of Russell with Jon, Russell failed to get a picture of me. In fact, he didn’t notice until we were walking away and I wanted to see the picture. No photo in the gallery.

Well, I wasn’t going to go back and bug him again. I felt like I already put him out. I did get to meet him and I had a pretty good story (of Russell’s failure), so I was ready to leave well enough alone. Poor Russell had to endure a year’s worth of teasing by co-workers for being unable to operate a camera.

Fast forward to CodeMash v2.0.1.5. Russell was going to go, but I decided to skip it this year. That meant that I wouldn’t be able to try for round 2 of my Jon Skeet photo shoot. We all decided, though, that it would be funny if Russell got a picture of Jon Skeet holding a picture of me. We were mostly kidding, but we found ourselves hilarious.

Russell was determined to redeem himself, so he reached out to Jon and set it up, tracked him down, and followed through. Somehow, out of the goodness of his heart, Josh allowed himself to be roped into the adventure of stalking Jon. Josh also made sure that a picture was actually taken this time. Russell then got the photo printed out and framed for my enjoyment. So I present to you my new favorite desk adornment:

Jon Skeet and I

This is all way better than if I had just gotten the picture last year! Big thanks to Russell and Josh!


Podcast Episode 32 – Andy Adams on Being an Independent Software Developer

Andy AdamsAndy Adams wrote a blog post about how to price yourself as an independent software developer. It was so good that I made it a pick of the week. Andy started to see traffic from my site and we struck up a conversation. Right away, I knew that I needed to have him on the show. We talk about how he became an independent, how he sets his rates, how to find customers, some of the perils of creating your own products, and whether you even want to be an independent developer in the first place. It is a fantastic interview, check it out.

Links Mentioned in this Show:
Andy’s Company
You Can Charge More, by Andy Adams (the post that started it all)
Andy’s Twitter (genius Twitter handle! 😉 )
Ask HN: How to get started with paying side projects?
Podcast Episode 30, where I featured Andy as a pick
Podcast Episode 17, my episode on Going Independent
Gail Goodman – The Long Slow SaaS Ramp of Death

You can also subscribe to the podcast at any of these places:
iTunes Link RSS Feed

Thanks to all the people who listen, and a special thanks to those who have rated me. I really appreciate it.

The episodes have been archived. Click Here to see the archive page.


Podcast Episode 31 – Setting Goals for 2015

Goals2015 is kicking off with Episode 31 of the Pete on Software Podcast. In this episode, I talk about the difference between how I see “resolutions” and “setting goals”. If we all are treating our careers like small businesses, we need to make SMART goals in order to propel ourselves forward. I go over my goals for 2015 and ask for your feedback to see what you have planned.

Links Mentioned in this Show:
Forbes’ Article about New Year’s Resolutions
Dim Sum Thinking Podcast about not telling
Derek Sivers on not telling
Learn Scrivener Fast Course
John Sonmez’s Soft Skills Book

You can also subscribe to the podcast at any of these places:
iTunes Link RSS Feed

Thanks to all the people who listen, and a special thanks to those who have rated me. I really appreciate it.

The episodes have been archived. Click Here to see the archive page.