Code Optimization

Asp.Net Request Collections

Today on Twitter, Sahil Malik asked the question “Is there any reason ever to use Request.QueryString over Request.Params?” (link – for as long as it persists on Twitter).

For QueryString itself, there is practically no reason not to use the less specific collection, as QueryString is always checked first. That means that there is a small performance hit in Request.Params as it will check all collections regardless and not one in just calling Request, as it returns the first one it finds.

If you are trying to get at the Forms, Cookies, or ServerVariables collections, there is a performance hit (albeit small) no matter which way you turn. (Information on the happenings inside the .Net Framework are available on this Hanselman post from a few years ago.

There is an issue, however, if you want to access any of the other collections by using either Request[] or Request.Params[]. And really, this is the code smell that I was worried about when responding to Sahil earlier today. Let’s make an example page here. I made this using Asp.Net WebForms (to hopefully have the widest base of understanding).

Here is the meat of the .aspx page.

    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:Button runat="server" Text="Submit" OnClick="submitButton_Click" ID="submitButton" />
    <asp:Panel runat="server" Visible="false" ID="adminPanel">
    You shouldn't see me unless you are an admin.

Here is the code behind

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace Params
    public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("IsAdmin", "false"));

        protected void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var value = Request["IsAdmin"];

            if (Convert.ToBoolean(value))
                adminPanel.Visible = true;
                Response.Write("You aren't an admin");

The initial page load.

When we click the button, the cookie value is checked and since it is false, we get the sad news that we aren’t an admin.

After the first click.

Okay, let’s now assume that someone is curious if you are using simple cookie checks, so they look inside Firefox to see what the cookies are on your site.

Our site's cookie.

Now, let me take a chance that the operator of this site is being sloppy and is using Request[] instead of calling the value from the cookie collection explicitly. I’ll add ?IsAdmin=true onto the querystring to mirror the cookie and then click the button. Since the QueryString collection is checked first, I’ll be overriding the cookie in this instance.

Here is our result
Our site has now been compromised.

Well, that’s not good. What if we actually just check the cookie value instead of being lazy?

        protected void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var value = Request.Cookies["IsAdmin"].Value;

            if (Convert.ToBoolean(value))
                adminPanel.Visible = true;
                Response.Write("You aren't an admin");

Now when I try the QueryString hack, the page is safe.
Crisis averted.

This doesn’t solve all of the problems with this page, though. I’m not pushing this off as some airtight secure solution. What I’m hoping to point out is that coding hard and even though we are given certain shortcuts, you really have to understand the ramifications of your code before throwing it out in the wild.


Extracurricular Learning

Being a lifelong learner, I believe that what I call “Extracurricular Learning” is very important. I define that as any learning that you do outside of your job or school either for fun or to better yourself due to your own drive or passion. Maybe you like to use books, or screencasts, or conferences, but you actively make learning your own responsibility.

Some developers that I know or have run across are really into JIT (just-in-time) learning. They fly by the seat of their pants and, as Jeff Atwood puts it, “page fault” in knowledge. I am by no means against learning things as you go along. If you don’t do that, you are probably a pretty terrible developer. However, I think that if you don’t do some preparation in advance, you won’t be as good at “page faulting” your knowledge as you could be.

Let’s imagine that I’m working in Ruby for the first time. I may google ruby loop or something to figure the syntax of how to do a loop. Or, let’s say I need to do some task X. What I’m likely to do as a .Net programmer is to think of how I’d do it in C# and then google for the way to do X-C#-Thing in Ruby.

What would be better is if I had immersed myself in this technology ahead of time. I don’t mean become an expert before you begin, I am talking about doing due diligence before getting involved. If I have read Why’s Poignant Guide to Ruby and watched a few TekPub videos about Ruby and attended a few Columbus Ruby Brigade meetings, then I would have a very broad overview of how to “do” Ruby. And while I wouldn’t be an expert, it would make my google-fu so much better because my searches could be targeted toward getting me the *right* information.

As I’m getting more and more into Asp.Net MVC 2 for a project at work, I find the “leg work” that I did watching the TekPub videos and reading blogs to be invaluable. If I hadn’t done the Extracurricular Learning, I probably would have attempted a lot of WebForms inspired nonsense instead of finding out about how much “magic” is available to me via the built-in framework. Much like Rails, I can get Asp.Net MVC to do a lot of work for me (especially when combined with jQuery) if I just know how to rely on the scaffolding/convention over configuration inherent in the product.

I’m not wrong on this. If you want to be a great developer, you need to be involved in Extracurricular Learning. If you aren’t, you will stagnate and be guilty of “writing FORTRAN in any language”.



Almost two years ago, in a rant titled Y Kant Developers Read?, I lamented the fact that I’m finding that less and less of my peers are reading books to gain knowledge. In the last two years, that has gotten even worse. Several programmer’s magazines/journal publishers have gone bankrupt and the book publishing industry is in the crapper. Programmers are either getting information from blogs, user groups, or conferences. Unfortunately, I fear that for the majority of programmers none of that is true. Interviewing programmers, I’ve found that most of them truly can’t code FizzBuzz or a singleton or any other fairly simple problem that I put in front of them.

Entering into the programmer learning void recently have been screencasts. I’ve long been a fan of DimeCasts (Link Removed) as a way to get introduced to a lot of different topics. I learned about (read: finally understood) Dependency Injection / Inversion of Control from DimeCasts and I think they are good people. Additionally, one way that a lot of people learned about ASP.Net MVC was from Rob Conery’s screencasts building the MVC storefront on ASP.Net (apparently – according to Rob – they’ve since been moved).

TekPub Logo
Enter TekPub. Rob Conery and James Avery started a company to produce high quality screencasts to teach programmers about topics like NHibernate with Ayende, Git, jQuery, ASP.Net MVC, Ruby on Rails, Linux, LINQ, and more. I talked my boss into buying me a year’s subscription and I am EXTREMELY pleased with how he spent the money 😉 They offer streaming video as well as downloads in standard and iPhone format. I’ve watched probably at least 15 screencasts so far and I have learned a LOT. I keep several videos on my phone and whenever I have spare time, I watch a few minutes.

Steve Sanderson’s MVC 2 screencasts are exceptionally money. I wish I had the words to explain the kinds of lights of understanding that went off in my head after watching these videos. They alone are worth the price of admission. But, they aren’t alone… I got a lot out of Justin Etheredge’s LINQ series as well as Rob’s “Build Your Own Blog” stuff. If your employer has any kind of training budget, you should get them to drop the $200.00 yearly subscription fee for you. Neither of you will regret it. In fact, even if they don’t, you should truly consider investing the $200.00 in your own future.

Code Tips

Row_Number() Part Two

Last Time, we looked at ROW_NUMBER() and saw a little of how it works and how we could use it to remove duplicates. Another one of my favorite uses for ROW_NUMBER() is to get only one row from a one-to-many join. I’ve had situations at work where I need to return one row per Person, but each person had several addresses, several injury codes, and several contacts (people working their case).

In many of those cases, there is nothing to indicate which one of those rows should receive precidence over the others. One might just select from those tables and then take just the MIN() of the primary key, grouping by all other fields, but that makes for very messy and hard to maintain code in my opinion. ROW_NUMBER() gives us a much easier way to handle this problem.

Examine this sql script that gives us a Person Table and a PersonAddress table. One person can have many addresses, but there is no way in the schema to give precidence to one of the addresses over any of the others.

USE tempdb


INSERT Person ([Name])
SELECT 'Thomas'
SELECT 'Jeydro'
SELECT 'Ronald'
SELECT 'Jamie'
SELECT 'Colleen'
SELECT 'Denise'
SELECT 'Kathleen'

CREATE TABLE PersonAddress (PersonAddressId INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, PersonId INT, [Address] VARCHAR(100))

INSERT PersonAddress (PersonId, [Address]) 
SELECT PersonId, CONVERT(VARCHAR, PersonId * 123) + ' ' + UPPER(REVERSE([Name])) + ' ST.'
FROM Person

INSERT PersonAddress (PersonId, [Address]) 
SELECT PersonId, CONVERT(VARCHAR, PersonId * 321) + ' SQL DR.'
FROM Person

SELECT p.PersonId, p.[Name], pa.[Address]
FROM Person p
INNER JOIN PersonAddress pa
ON p.PersonId = pa.PersonId
ORDER BY p.PersonId

DROP TABLE PersonAddress

Here is a sample of the results:
One to Many Addresses

Using a similar trick to what we used last time to find unique records, we can alter our select statement so that we only return one address per person. If we change our select statement to this

; WITH Addresses
	SELECT p.PersonId, p.[Name], pa.[Address], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p.PersonId ORDER BY p.PersonId ASC) AS RowNum  
	FROM Person p
	INNER JOIN PersonAddress pa
	ON p.PersonId = pa.PersonId
SELECT PersonId, [Name], [Address], RowNum
FROM Addresses

We get the following results:
One to Many Addresses With Row Numbers

You can see now that all we have to do is limit the result where the RowNum is equal to one and we have something that we can use (the CTE) in further joins or in reports to ensure that we don’t introduce duplicates to our query.

; WITH Addresses
	SELECT p.PersonId, p.[Name], pa.[Address], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p.PersonId ORDER BY p.PersonId ASC) AS RowNum  
	FROM Person p
	INNER JOIN PersonAddress pa
	ON p.PersonId = pa.PersonId
SELECT PersonId, [Name], [Address]
FROM Addresses
WHERE RowNum = 1

Our results:
One to One Addresses Thanks to RowNumber

Code Tips

Row_Number() Part One

Sometimes when you are performing queries, you have data that does not have a primary key and contains duplicate records. If it had had a primary key, you could group on the columns that constitute a duplicate and just keep the MIN or MAX of the primary key, deleting the others. However, lacking that primary key, you have no way of uniquely identifying a row. Additionally, UNIQUEIDENTIFIER types don’t work with MAX and MIN, so you’d have a hard time picking a row in that case as well.

One option is of course to add an identity column to the table and do the operation that I described. However, sometimes you don’t have the appropriate permissions or just aren’t allowed to modify the table to do that. You can use the ROW_NUMBER() function to assign a unique row number to each row by partition. I’ll talk a little more about partition later, but when not explicitly specified in the query, the partition refers to the entire table.

Examine the script below. (All Sql Code contained here will only work on Sql Server 2005 and later)

USE tempdb

CREATE TABLE HasDupes (ProductName VARCHAR(50), UpcCode VARCHAR(10))

INSERT HasDupes (ProductName, UpcCode)
SELECT 'Diapers', '0123456780'
SELECT 'Diapers', '0123456780'
SELECT 'Diapers', '0123456780'
SELECT 'Diapers', '0123456780'
SELECT 'Formula', '0987654320'
SELECT 'Formula', '0987654320'
SELECT 'Formula', '0987654320'
SELECT 'Diet Coke', '0564534230'
SELECT 'Chair', '0872372530'

FROM HasDupes


You get the results shown here:
Initial duplicates.

If we want to add a rownumber to the table, we would alter the part of the query that is

FROM HasDupes

to say this

SELECT ProductName, UpcCode, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ProductName ASC) AS RowNum
FROM HasDupes

and get these results
Initial row number.

That helps some, but wouldn’t it be better if we could get a row number assigned within groups? That is what the PARTITION BY clause does. Change the SELECT sql again so that it now looks like this (note: you can PARTITION BY and ORDER BY any columns you want, and they can be the same or different from each other)

SELECT ProductName, UpcCode, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY UpcCode ORDER BY ProductName ASC) AS RowNum
FROM HasDupes

Now, we get this
Row Number with Partition

Okay, now all we have to do is keep the records that get assigned a one, forsaking all others. Change that same section of code again to read like this and then run the script. Note, I am using the CTE syntax here.

WITH ProductDupes
	SELECT ProductName, UpcCode, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY UpcCode ORDER BY ProductName ASC) AS RowNum
	FROM HasDupes

DELETE FROM ProductDupes WHERE RowNum > 1

FROM HasDupes

Now we have a table with no duplicates.
No more duplicates

That’s it, that is all there is to it. In my next blog, I will cover how we can use this trick in joins to ensure that we only get a 1 to 1 join, even when the data is 1 to Many.