Code Tips

Web Services Software Factory – Complete Code

I’ve received several requests to publish the code to the WSSF tutorial I did last year in its entirety. That series on my blog has by far generated the most traffic, so I wanted to get it up here. Unfortunately, I had long since deleted the code, so I had to work through my own tutorial to get the project coded.

You have to create the right virtual directory for the service for the console application to run (as described in part 5 of the tutorial), but other than that, this should be all you need… binaries are even included.


WSSF Tutorial Solution


The Greed Ruby Koan

This post is an extension of my last post on the Ruby Koans. Today, I tackled the next Ruby Koan on the block, which was to score dice throws on a simplified version of the game Greed. The first thing I noticed was that the Koans that I got from EdgeCase had a typo in it. It suggested that the following was true:

def test_score_of_mixed_is_sum
    assert_equal 50, score([2,5,2,2,3])
    assert_equal 550, score([5,5,5,5])

That first assert should actually total 250, as the 3 2’s are worth 200 and the 5 is worth 50. I searched the web to make sure that I wasn’t crazy and the version of this file checked in to Google Code by Tim Wingfield agreed with me, so I forged on.

The hardest part of this one for me was figuring out the best way to even work this out in English. I play the Farkle game on Facebook quite a bit, so I was really comfortable with scoring the dice, but I just couldn’t figure out a good step-by-step way to do this. I eventually decided on a Hash to tally up the number of each dice present. This choice was made even easier when I found that Hash had an each_pair method that enumerated over the collection.

After that, I tried my best to implement the logic (this code passes the tests, I don’t promise it is bug-free) and have now put this up for criticism. Last time, I learned some great lessons from Nathan Kelley who shared his code in the comments of my last post. If you have any questions, comments, criticisms, or rebukes of this code, let me know and I’d love to hear them.

I definitely am guilty of writing C# in Ruby and had to undo a lot of code where I started to go down that path, so I welcome comments from Ruby enthusiasts on my code.

require 'edgecase'

# Greed is a dice game where you roll up to five dice to accumulate
# points.  The following "score" function will be used calculate the
# score of a single roll of the dice.
# A greed roll is scored as follows:
# * A set of three ones is 1000 points
# * A set of three numbers (other than ones) is worth 100 times the
#   number. (e.g. three fives is 500 points).
# * A one (that is not part of a set of three) is worth 100 points.
# * A five (that is not part of a set of three) is worth 50 points.
# * Everything else is worth 0 points.
# Examples:
# score([1,1,1,5,1]) => 1150 points
# score([2,3,4,6,2]) => 0 points
# score([3,4,5,3,3]) => 350 points
# score([1,5,1,2,4]) => 250 points
# More scoing examples are given in the tests below:
# Your goal is to write the score method.


def score(dice)
  # You need to write this method
  result = 0  
  return result if invalid_dice?(dice)
  dice_sort = {1=>0, 2=>0, 3=>0, 4=>0, 5=>0, 6=>0}
  # Increment the tally, using the die face as the hash key
  # by iterating over the passed in array of dice
  dice.each do | die |
      dice_sort[die] += 1 
  # Iterate over the pairs and score them up  
  dice_sort.each_pair do |key, value|
      if non_single_score?(key)
        result += key*STANDARD_TRIPLET_MULTIPLIER if value>= 3
        # I LOVE Multiple assignments
        groups_of_three, remainder = value/3, value%3
        result += (ONES_TRIPLET_MULTIPLIER * groups_of_three) + (ONES_VALUE * remainder) if key == 1
        result += (key * STANDARD_TRIPLET_MULTIPLIER * groups_of_three) + (FIVES_VALUE * remainder) if key == 5
def non_single_score?(die)
  return true if die != 1 and die != 5

def invalid_dice?(dice)
  return true if dice.length == 0

class AboutScoringAssignment < EdgeCase::Koan
  def test_score_of_an_empty_list_is_zero
    assert_equal 0, score([])

  def test_score_of_a_single_roll_of_5_is_50
    assert_equal 50, score([5])

  def test_score_of_a_single_roll_of_1_is_100
    assert_equal 100, score([1])

  def test_score_of_mulitple_1s_and_5s_is_the_sum
    assert_equal 300, score([1,5,5,1])

  def test_score_of_single_2s_3s_4s_and_6s_are_zero
    assert_equal 0, score([2,3,4,6])

  def test_score_of_a_triple_1_is_1000
    assert_equal 1000, score([1,1,1])

  def test_score_of_other_triples_is_100x
    assert_equal 200, score([2,2,2])
    assert_equal 300, score([3,3,3])
    assert_equal 400, score([4,4,4])
    assert_equal 500, score([5,5,5])
    assert_equal 600, score([6,6,6])

  def test_score_of_mixed_is_sum
    assert_equal 250, score([2,5,2,2,3])
    assert_equal 550, score([5,5,5,5])

Ruby Koans

KoansI decided to tackle a little Ruby language learning this weekend. So yesterday, I downloaded the Ruby Koans and went to work. The Koans were created by EdgeCase to help people learn Ruby. Basically, they are a set of unit tests that exercise aspects of Ruby. To begin, all of the tests fail. You have to write code or jump back and forth to the Interactive Ruby Shell (IRB) and get the results of the statements to make the asserts pass.

I went through and did 105 unit tests yesterday, each of them having several parts to them. Having messed around a little with Rails, I was familiar with using IRB and Rake and a little of the syntax. In my opinion, the way this is set up and builds upon itself is really helpful and is a great way to teach Ruby to n00bs. I really salute Jim Weirich and Joe O’Brien for their work in getting these together.

One of the exercises is to create a triangle method that takes three parameters (the sizes of the sides). You then have to decide what kind of triangle it is. After those tests pass, your next assignment is to prevent 0 length or negative sides as well as making sure your triangle validates.

I wrote all the code and passed all the tests except for the triangle validation test. I was having a serious brain cramp and could not remember how you ensured that you’ve gotten the correct sides for any triangle (and not just a right triangle), so I looked for someone else’s example of this code. I found this code:

# Triangle Project Code.

# Triangle analyzes the lengths of the sides of a triangle
# (represented by a, b and c) and returns the type of triangle.
# It returns:
#   :equilateral  if all sides are equal
#   :isosceles    if exactly 2 sides are equal
#   :scalene      if no sides are equal
# The tests for this method can be found in
#   about_triangle_project.rb
# and
#   about_triangle_project_2.rb
def triangle(a, b, c)
  if a<=0 or b<=0 or c<=0 
    fail TriangleError, "Sides must all have length greater than 0."

  myArray = [a,b,c]
  maxSide = myArray.max
  total = 0
  myArray.each { |myEle| total += myEle }
  if total - maxSide <= maxSide
    fail TriangleError, "Sum of shortest two sides must be greater than length of longest side."

  if a==b and a==c
  elsif a!=b and b!=c and a!=c

# Error class used in part 2.  No need to change this code.
class TriangleError < StandardError

Okay, I see. The smallest two sides added together need to be greater than the third side. However, I thought that the author of this code greatly over-complicated this process. We are always dealing with a fixed number of sides and the trick is to put them in order and then add away. I figured Ruby had a simple array sort (and they do), so I would place the sides into an array, sort it, and then add the 0 index and 1 index spot and make sure that it was greater than the 2 index spot. Case Closed and (in my opinion) a bit easier to read. Forgiving of course, that I didn’t pass messages in my exceptions, I personally like my code better (of course 😉 ). I also appreciate that Ruby doesn’t mind me putting ( and ) around my if conditions. I just feel safer for them to be contained 😉

# Triangle Project Code.

# Triangle analyzes the lengths of the sides of a triangle
# (represented by a, b and c) and returns the type of triangle.
# It returns:
#   :equilateral  if all sides are equal
#   :isosceles    if exactly 2 sides are equal
#   :scalene      if no sides are equal
# The tests for this method can be found in
#   about_triangle_project.rb
# and
#   about_triangle_project_2.rb
def triangle(a, b, c)
  if (a <= 0 or b <= 0 or c<=0)
    raise TriangleError
  sides = [a, b, c].sort
  if (sides[0] + sides[1] <= sides[2])
    raise TriangleError
  if (a==b and a==c)
    value = :equilateral
    if (a==b or a==c or b==c)
      value = :isosceles
      value = :scalene

# Error class used in part 2.  No need to change this code.
class TriangleError < StandardError

As I do these Koans, I’ve been making note of things I’d like to include in future blog entries about things I’ve enjoyed about the language and will be posting them in the near term.


The Importance of Mentoring

Photo by Okinawa Soba from his Flickr Account at you would allow me a personal moment for a second, I promise I’ll tie it in to something technical and relevant. Recently, my grandfather passed away at age 84. He was a brilliant man in both quantity of knowledge and the application of that knowledge – especially in the realm of finance. I won’t quote his accomplishments here in the interest of time and topic, but I assure you they were many.

As my father and I were handling all of the things that need taken care of following the death of a loved one, I got to thinking about my grandfather and what he knew. I got down a little bit thinking of how his lifetime of knowledge and wisdom has now been lost and humanity was poorer for it. However, upon further reflection, I realized that these things were not lost; they lived on with my father and me.

My grandfather raised my father, teaching him and guiding him along the way. My father in turn raised me with many of those same principles and my grandfather was there as well for help and guidance when called upon. Many of you know where I’m going with this. You knew two paragraphs ago, but I’m going to say it anyway! We need to mentor other developers in this same style.

We need to have Code Children and Code Grandchildren, Code Cousins and Code Siblings. Each developer goes on a journey; learning little by little along the way from books, blogs, user groups, trial and error, forums, etc. However, in my experience, I’ve seen very little “direct mentoring”.

“Direct mentoring” (according to me) is the deliberate pouring out of your knowledge into another person. You take ownership in their learning process; you become an essential piece of their growth. I’m talking about something different than “drive-by” question answering where we offer a little help and move on. True mentoring is a deliberate act. You have chosen a person (and they have accepted you) and you become someone taking an active part in their learning and development. You can suggest books to them, peer review code, answer questions, and be a person who holds them accountable on goals like learning a new language a year or reading a book a month.

I know that I am not covering brand new ground here. I also know that there are other people talking about this very thing. The “developer as a craftsman” group is very into this idea, describing it through parallels to apprenticeship in other vocations. I would like to see developers begin to mentor others and to in turn also seek out a mentor so that we can all learn from each other and give all of our hard earned knowledge some new legs by passing it on to someone else.


Fun With The iPhone – DFU Mode

I recently applied a firmware update to my iPhone and it broke. The phone wasn’t jailbroken and there was nothing shady about the dealing whatsoever. However, when I applied the 2.2.1 firmware, iTunes announced failure and my phone went into the revovery mode where it just shows the screen below.

iPhone Recovery Mode

I let iTunes attempt to recover my phone to no avail. I finally did some frantic Googling and came across a site called, where I found a post about DFU Mode. I did what The Big Boss said and used the very strange shift+click* on the restore button in iTunes to allow me to choose what backup file went to my iPhone and finally was able to recover my phone.

* Note: Also from The Big Boss, “If you need to restore a specific version of firmware onto your device, rather than click restore, hold shift (PC) or option (MAC) and click restore. This will bring up a browse box where you can select the firmware you wish to program.”

I can’t believe that this had to be such a convoluted process, but I’m thankful to website for all of the wealth of information it contained. Maybe if this blog can help one person deal with this problem just a little quicker than they would have otherwise, it is all worth it.